Sinisellä kankaalla peitetyn tuolin päällä on taulu jossa kuvitettu kissaeläin pitää paperia päänsä yläpuolella. Asetelman vieressä on oranssinvärinen tuoli.

Introduction to Kamishibai storytelling

Event details

  • Keskustakirjasto Oodi
  • Rikhardinkadun kirjasto
  • 16.3.2024
  • 13:00 - 15:30
  • Selkokulttuuri ry

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Introduction to Kamishibai storytelling

Rikhardinkadun kirjasto

13:00 - 15:30


Selkokulttuuri ry

Organizer's other events

Art Educator Julia Kartesalo leads us in exploring techniques for creating inclusive and multilingual storytelling moments for children or families using Kamishibai, a Japanese paper theatre tradition.

During session 1 Julia will guide participants in learning about Kamishibai storytelling and offer guidance for participants to develop their own storytelling idea.

During session 2 participants will have the opportunity to perform a short story or to develop practical ideas to use Kamishibai in their work and to present these ideas to one another for feedback and peer support.

The course is open to immigrants who have a municipality of residence in Finland.

The course content is especially aimed at reading mediators, kindergarten/eskari/primary school teachers, librarians, storytellers, performers, and/or parents/carers who are interested in sharing stories in their home languages or multilingually, and developing their storytelling skills for use at daycares, schools, libraries, at home or in communities.

This course will be delivered in English, Julia is also able to offer support in Finnish, German and Portuguese. During session 2 of the course, participants are welcome to tell stories in any language of their choice.

  • First session: March 16th 13:00-15:30 at Keskuskirjasto Oodi.
  • Second session: March 23rd 13:00-15:30 Rikhardinkadun kirjasto.

Participants are expected to attend both sessions  and Rikhardinkadun kirjasto.

Linkki ennakkoilmoittautmiseen / Registration link for the event. 

Vapaa pääsy, ennakkoilmoittautuminen / Fritt inträde, förhandsanmälan / Free entrance, pre-subscription.

Organiser: Selkokulttuuri ry supported by Citizen’s Forum.

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