Building spaces encounter.

Seminar + workshop: building spaces of encounter for plurilingual families, the case of kolibrí festivaali

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  • 3.3.2020
  • 16:00 - 18:00
  • Kulttuuri Helsinki

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Seminar + workshop: building spaces of encounter for plurilingual families, the case of kolibrí festivaali

16:00 - 18:00


Kulttuuri Helsinki

Organizer's other events

3.3.2020, 4-6 pm. Caisa Culture Center / Kulttuuri Helsinki (Caisa), Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki.

How can we build new and safe spaces of encounters for plurilingual families and communities, with a particular focus on children and diversity? In this seminar we will share our learning experiences and journey since 2015 working with Kolibrí Festivaali a multicultural children’s arts festival.

This is the final activity of Project: Spaces of Encounter, Family festivals as a model of integration fund by Moniheli ry. In the program we introduced our process as Children’s Festival answer the question. How can festivals work as places for building community, supporting diversity (minority languages in that case) and respect that could foster mutual understanding?In the second part we propose a Workshop. We will work around two questions: – Can we build more creative platforms to support relations among different cultures? – Let’s think together on models, practices and ways of working to support plurilingual, diverse and multicultural experiences.

We invite: Associations or communities getting organized, Finnish institutions and other stakeholders interested in developing their cooperation with immigrant associations or diverse communities. Professionals (e.g cultural workers, scientists, artists, educators, etc.) with different backgrounds that have an interest in supporting accessibility and the well-being and diversity of families raising plurilingual children. Friends and fans of Kolibrí Festivaali too!

Organiser: Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry. More infomation in Facebook.

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