
Windows and doors into language barriers – on the accessibility of language in theatre

I now live a foreign country and attend a school where I don’t speak the language as an exchange student. I learn and forget increasingly confounding words on a daily basis. In a new language environment, surrounded by new people, I focus on being as outwardly approachable as possible to understand and be understood. In […]

Windows and doors into language barriers – on the accessibility of language in theatre Read More »

All the places a story can take us: a personal account on representation and multilingualism in children’s books

by Arlene Tucker. Stories are like a volcano bursting with multisensory and multidimensional elements. I love telling them, hearing them, reading them, passing them on, seeing them form in my mind, feeling how I react as the ideas flow into different parts of my body. There’s something very magical and transformational that happens with story

All the places a story can take us: a personal account on representation and multilingualism in children’s books Read More »

How to bring the world to stage?

Contemporary plays originally written in languages other than English are rarely performed in Finnish theatres. Theatre statistics show that, in the past ten years, plays written in other languages only accounted for 12–15 per cent of the total before the pandemic. Finnish plays have played a strong role in the theatre in the 21st century,

How to bring the world to stage? Read More »

The treasure hunt: Where are the books in minority languages in Helmet? The case of Portuguese!

We find ourselves standing in front of the bookshelf of the neighbourhood library, a little frustrated, thinking: why do I find so few children’s books in minority languages like Portuguese here? The answer to this question, which is also valid for other less spoken languages, is that most of the books are stored in the

The treasure hunt: Where are the books in minority languages in Helmet? The case of Portuguese! Read More »

Lullabies from around the world

17.3.2022 klo 9.00 – 9.30 ja klo 12.00 – 12.30. Paikka / Venue: Myyrmäen kirjasto, Paalutori 3, Vantaa. Tuutulaulutyöpajassa kuunnellaan, lauletaan ja soitetaan yhdessä. Työpaja sopii kaikille musiikkitaustasta ja kielitaidosta riippumatta. Tiedossa siis livemusiikkia ja vauvoille sopivia aktiviteettejä. Järjestäjä: Myyrmäen kirjasto ja Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian Global Music Department. Vapaa pääsy. Tervetuloa!

Lullabies from around the world Read More »

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